Next Application Deadline:
Monday, September 30

Important Notice

Starting July 24th, 2024, SWAN will require a $50 application fee for all applicants seeking initial funding from SWAN. The fee allows your company to apply twice, including this application and a successive application. You will receive an invoice on the application deadline and will need to make payment within one week.

If you have close relationship with a SWAN angel who has encouraged you to apply, you can check to see if that angel is willing to pay your application fee.

An application fee is not required of SWAN portfolio companies who are applying for follow-on funding.

You may sign up for our Email Newsletter to receive updates on future funding cycles.
And you can see the application deadlines  and the timing of applications
down-selection activities in the Calendar.

SWAN’s primary investment focus

As a group of experienced business leaders with a passion for combating climate change, SWAN has a deep network of talent and connections that has proven extremely valuable for learning how to grow our business.”

~ BJ Johnson, CEO and Co-Founder of ClearFlame Engines

Apply to SWAN for the First Time.

Here are the steps to take before completing your application to understand if you are a good match with SWAN and to increase your chances of being funded by SWAN.

  1. See the following information.
  2. Note that SWAN  prefers convertible notes over SAFE Notes.

After you have taken these learning steps, you can decide if it is a good use of time to apply, using the button below.

Reapplying to SWAN for your first funding from SWAN.

  1. Before your company reapplies, please make meaningful progress in addressing the concerns that we shared on your prior application.
  2. Before submitting your application online, make sure that you answer “yes” to the dealum question about whether you have previously applied, and state your progress.
  3. After updating your application,  please take the final step of  Submitting the application in dealum. Just updating answers on your dealum application  will not cause your application to be re-submitted to SWAN.

If SWAN previously funded your company:

  1. Send an email to informing SWAN that your company is seeking follow-on funding.
  2. Speak with your SWAN contact about your new round and ask them to Sponsor your application. The Sponsor role is defined in Follow-on Funding for SWAN Portfolio Companies.
  3. Use the link below to enter into SWAN’s funding process, which uses the dealum online platform.

How to Apply for first funding from SWAN

A good way to identify a match with us is to view our portfolio. See deals we have funded – exits and current portfolio.

How SWAN assesses Impact:

  • If your company advances deep into our down selection process, you will be asked to write an assessment of the Five Dimensions of Impact.
  • If your company advances to the final step before funding, in which we write a Deal memo, SWAN will work with you to define a small number of Impact KIPs.

Here is a short presentation on Fund Raising

Here is more detailed information on what SWAN invests in.

Please note. The online application asks you to upload certain files. Please make sure that your files adhere to the requirements defined by the buttons below.

You apply using the “Apply Online” button shown below.

Our Application Review Process

We provide funding for impact startup companies on a quarterly cycle, following the procedure below.


Based upon the submitted applications, we select 6 to 8 companies to present via zoom. The zoom calls include 15 minutes to present followed by 45 minutes of Q&A.

Pitch Event

We select three companies to present at our Quarterly Pitch Events. Your company will be given 15 minutes to pitch followed by 15 minutes of Q&A.

Deal Memo Development

After the pitch event, companies may be invited to enter into a detailed due diligence/deal memo step. When the deal memo is complete, it is circulated to all of our angels who then make individual investment decisions.

See the Quarterly Schedule

The angels came to the table sharing and supporting our passion to help kids thrive.”

~ Amy Looper, Co-Founder of OneSeventeen Media

The SWAN Impact Network provides funding for impact startup companies. And SWAN has a passion for doing good. Doing good for society and the environment. And going good for founders by being a responsive, transparent and helpful partner.

More Information Regarding Applying for Impact Funding

  • We do not accept any material containing Confidential or Proprietary legends.
  • Companies may apply twice within any twelve-month period.
  • There is no charge to apply for funding.
  • Our network is not able to accept applications through other platforms such as Gust.

Have Questions?

I have pitched to more angel groups than I can remember. Probably went into diligence with a dozen or more.

It was the most thorough and transparent of any group which speaks to the quality of people in SWAN.

~ Steve Mogensen, CEO and Co-Founder of Speech Vive

Recently Funded Impact Businesses

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