About Erik Norwood
Clean Tech
As a former Boeing rocket scientist, Erik has been building products that push the boundaries of technology and bringing them to market for over two decades.
From space-based sun trackers to circuit monitoring hardware to energy apps, his product experience transcends the mechanical, electrical, and software continuum. Since 2010, he’s been working to solve one of the biggest problems facing our society: wasted energy.
As founder and CEO of Curb, a smart home energy management startup that was acquired by Elevation in 2020, his goal is to create large-scale social change by providing people with actionable data that inspires them to better manage their energy usage and reduce electricity bills.
Prior to Curb, Erik worked in the solar industry, identified investment targets for VCs, and oversaw development projects at Boeing. As a staunch supporter of STEM education, Erik has led multiple initiatives to help students develop a passion for solving problems with technology. Erik has an MBA from McCombs at The University of Texas at Austin, a master’s in mechanical engineering from the University of Southern California, and a BA from Pitzer College.