The SWAN Impact Network uses the Dealum platform to manage the processing  of company applications. On Dealum you can see all the information provided by the companies, and you can easily participate in our Down-selection processes. As part of down selection, you can add comments on the companies applications, see other SWAN-member comments and vote on whether companies should progress in our process.

If you have not received an email invitation to join the SWAN Dealum workspace, please send an email to

Please see Dealum Quick Start Guide that explains:

  • how to join the dealum platform
  • how to use the platform to help with down selection
  • how to get technical support

We welcome feedback on the User Guide. Our goal is have the User Guide communicate our combined learnings on best practices.

Confidentiality of Dealum Information

The information you see in dealum may not be shared outside of SWAN. If you want to share share information on a company, here are two options:

  • The standard approach is to share the URL (web address) for the company
  • If you would like to share more than just the URL, please contact to discuss your request.